Thera-Pony C.I.C
Find out how you can help out
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We are appealing for your help in what ever way you have to offer it. This helps our equine assisted learning programmes run smoothly, makes accessing the therapy ponies easier for service users and helps keep the running of the centre smooth.
Have a look below and see the different way in which you can help out!
Sponsor a child
We get lots of inquiries regarding funded places, and as much as we want to make our services available to everyone, we are limited by funds. Many children experience poverty and this places barriers on their opportunities in life. You can sponsor a child today and help fund their Equine Facilitated Learning programme so they don't have to miss out.
Sponsor a pony
Each Thera-Pony is available for sponsorship and every single penny from each sponsorship will go towards the feed, daily care, vet & farrier bills. These sponsorships are essential to the survival of the centre and the good work it achieves for and with young people.
Each sponsorship is £5 per month and each sponsor will receive
A welcome e-pack of their chosen pony
Updates throughout their sponsorship