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Activity Forms

Please select the correct form

Choose this form if you are a parent/guardian/other signing up for an activity (Such as after school group or Thera-Patch activities)

Choose this form if you are an organisation or an individual attending as part of an organised group for sessions or events.

Organisation Booking Form


This form is for ON-YARD events. Organised as part of an organisations activity: schools, charities or other organisations etc..


Please complete this form if you are attending an event at Thera-Pony C.I.C. Everyone must complete even if they do not plan to take part in the activities. Please specify your activity (ie., spectator, staff, participant)



Individual Booking Form


This form is for ON-YARD events and activities. If you are signing up for one of our block or individual sessions (such as after-school club) please ensure this form is completed.​



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