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Bringing joy to you!

Our Pony therapy visits have changed!

Due to the pandemic, our services were halted and doors were closed, this means that our therapy ponies had no off-yard visits for over two years! A long time for a pony. Because of this, we have to make sure our ponies are reintroduced to busy, loud indoor spaces gradually again.  To ensure this happens, we have made some changes to our pony therapy service and will restart visits on a small-scale basis. Please discuss your enquiry with us to ensure your organisation and visit type is suitable. Alternatively, if you have a suitable outdoor space, this would be preferred although some indoor visits are available.


Why Pony Therapy?  

The Alzheimer’s Society has discussed the positive impact that animals have on people living with dementia.  Animals can soothe & relieve anxiety and can help to improve their quality of life. As you can see, this does not only benefit those living with dementia and Alzheimers, but anyone who would benefit from the effects of Pony Therapy.  A number of small-scale studies suggest that time spent with animals can have positive effects . For example, spending time visiting animals has been shown to reduce blood pressure and anxiety, and improve social interaction and sleeping patterns. It can also reduce late-afternoon restlessness.


Reach out for more information.

Residential Living Visits: Courses
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